FunChem Classroom Applications
- GC Separation and Determination of Alcohol Content in Household Products
- GC Separation and Determination of the Amount of Carbon Dioxide from Various Sources
- Stay Awake in Class HPLC Separation and Determination of Caffeine in Coffee, Tea and Soda
- What’s in Pen Ink? HPLC Separation of Ink Components and UV-Vis Analysis of Their Spectra
- HPLC Separation and Determination of Active Ingredients in Common OTC Products
- Determination of Types of Fat Present in Cooking Oils Using Infrared Spectroscopy with an ATR Attachment
- Determining the Chemistry of the Formation of Polystyrene or Poly(methyl)methacrylate Using Infrared Spectroscopy with ATR Attachment
- Determining the Refractive Index (η) of Various Materials Using Scanning Infrared Spectrophotometry
- Determining an Equilibrium Constant Using a Vis-100 Spectrophotometer